Associate professor
PhD in Physics (2000). Associate Professor at the Department of Fundamental Physics at the UB. Member of the steering committe of Complexitat.cat. Currently, secretary of the dean of the Faculty of Physics.
I have been studying the financial markets from complex systems perspective. Both theoretically and empirically, I work in the statistical analysis of market data and its modeling through stochastic differential equations or random walks. Recently, I also have focused on analyzing human behavior of non-expert investors, modeling cooperation in humans and human mobility.
In 2013 I conceive OpenSystems-UB, a research group that run scientific research based on citizen participation and artistic practices. I work withBarcelona Lab, a project promoted by the Institute of Culture of Barcelona City Council, cementing citizen science in the city and creating the Citizen Science Office.
I am participating in citizen science experiments on human mobility (Bee-Path, Festival de Ciència, Tecnologia i Innovació 2012 and 2013), human behaviour and decision taking (Board Games Festival DAU Barcelona 2012 and 2013) and the development of a community of urban beekeeping (Urban Bees 2012 and 2013).
I have been responsible for Science Area at Arts Santa Mònica in Barcelona on behalf of the UB (2009-2012) . The results include seven exhibition projects in the Laboratory space. In 2012, the Laboratory of Arts Santa Monica was awarded the Antoni Caparros being the best knowledge transfer project of UB. I have curated the art-science and citizen science sections of the Festival de Ciència, Tecnologia i Innovació 2014.
I also coordinate Sistemes Oberts, a teacher training program in Arts and Science in collaboration with MACBA (2012-2014).